
In 2022, the Department of Statistics was founded to provide a great opportunity for young students to explore the realms of statistics and data science. Through the incorporation of diverse statistical techniques and tools, multidisciplinary research is greatly improved. The department offers a first-rate degree program as well as an animated atmosphere that truly inspires its students. With this selection of knowledge on Statistics, graduates are better prepared to engage with professional life following their educational endeavors. The students will be provided with the knowledge of Statistics and introduced to a range of related statistical techniques which would allow them to adroitly contribute in professional life. Through classroom teachings, interactive activities, and research projects, students shall acquire quick understanding of the subject matter that lead to the cultivation of capable human resources for specialized professions.

  • BS Statistics

Scheme of studies BS Statistics

Semester I Semester II
1. Introductory Statistics 2. Pakistan Studies 3. English-I (Functional English) 4. Calculus-I 5. General-I 6. General-II 1. Introduction to Probability Distributions 2. Islamic Studies/Ethics 3. English-II 4. Calculus-II 5. General-III 6. General-IV
Semester III Semester IV
1. Basic Statistical Inference 2. English-III 3. Introduction to Computer and Applications 4. General-V 5. General-VI 1. Computational Statistics 2. Introduction to Regression Analysis & Experimental Design 3. Communication Skills 4. Linear Algebra 5. General-VII
Semester V Semester VI
1. Probability Distribution-I 2. Sampling Technique-I 3. Design & Analysis of Experiment-I 4. Regression Analysis 5. Statistical Programming 1. Probability Distribution-II 2. Sampling Techniques-II 3. Design & Analysis of Experiment-II 4. Econometrics 5. Categorical data Analysis
Semester VII Semester VIII
1. Statistical Inference-I 2. Applied Multivariate Analysis 3. Time Series Analysis-I 4. Elective I 5. Elective-II 1. Statistical Inference-II 2. Population Studies 3. Time Series Analysis-II 4. Statistical Quality Control 5. Elective-III 6. Elective-IV